The Field Marketing-team talking to the paasengers at the bus and at the bus terminal.
Car-free day in Stavanger
When the city of Stavanger arranged a car-free day the 22nd of September they wanted to make a tribute to those who travelled by public transport this day. They also wanted to inspire others to think more environmentally friendly. Our team joined the buses early in the morning and thanked all the passengers for taking the public transport instead of their own car. The passengers also got a gift sertificate for a ticket they could pass on to a friend.This way we recruitet more people to public transportation.
Peder Elias acoustic
Live customer journey expertise for cars
Per Meland in Dagens Næringsliv – face to face with the masses
Cheer Up - It's Monday!
Film for Veidekke
Face2face digital production manager, Anne Staaby, visits Silicon Valley
How to make a warrior
TeliaSonera chooses Face2face
Stockholm syndrome in new Face2face offices
Stargate receives “producer of the year” award
St.Lars wins the Oslo award 2012