"Fiber to the people" – promoting future infrastructure
Campaign design, PR, social media, canvass
After 1,000,000 brand conversations the Swedish people download content with fiber-speed and enjoy their new infrastructure.
We skipped traditional advertising and used the most effective method of them all; influencing by person-to-person conversations, social gatherings and word-of-mouth.
Inviting neighbours to information meetings. Local campaigns ran by the communities themselves. Systematic door-to-door individual canvassing. We met people face-to-face, and explained the benefits of Fiber to the Home by Telia Sonera.

Face2face Creatives for Porsche
Insurance history in 3 minutes
Have a Safe Journey
Range Rover Velar - avantgarde luxury on wheels
Tjuvkunst – designing urban spaces
Street Food by Diners Club
The YS App
Billys Visual Identity
Just Drive
Rebranding Tjuvholmen Suites
Changing behavior – American Express Blue Card with Apple Pay