Emblemsvåg is the new Head of Design at Face2face
The artist and scenografer Tone Emblemsvåg (40) is recruited as the new Head of Design at Face2Face
– While waiting for Tim Burton to discover me, I look forward to work at Face2face’s national and international clients, Emblemsvåg reports back
At Face2face she will work with clients as Louis Vuitton, Tanum, Plan, Nobel Peace Center and American Express. Together with amongst others creative director Jon Håtun, also known as Jono El Grande, Emblemsvåg will join our creative department.
Chairman at Face2face Per Meland says: «Tone is one of our times most diverse designers, and takes on visual assignments i many different arenas. She has a unike eye for what works both creative and commercial, and is a talent we been following for quite some time now.»
Emblemsvåg was born in Volda, raised between the alpes of Sunnmøre and the deep forest in Telemark. She is educated at Romerike and in London within drama and design.
– After being freelance for some years now, I look forward to work full time at Face2face. My main task is to create an even more user friendly and inspiring design to all the future project, says Emblemsvåg.
Read more in Kampanje Magazine and Kreativt Forum.
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