Creative Director J.A Håtun writes in Kampanje, and is followed up in Kreativt Forum
Chronicle: The illusion of Innovation Norway
Read our creative directors criticism of Innovation Norways method for changing their goals in retrospect. As he aptly puts it in KF’s follow up article: «It’s interesting to see that instead of admitting their mistakes, they rather paint a circle around the arrow. For sure an innovative thought, except from the fact that the idea first appeared in an old Donald Duck comic»
Live customer journey expertise for cars
How to make a warrior
Chronicle: Strange choice of brands
Chronicle: Dialogue in social media, my ass!
Creative Director Jon Håtun at KHiO
Head of Design goes to LA LA Land
VIPPS - a huge user success and a marketing triumph
SWEET taste of Affinion
Get lost in the North of Norway
A Careful Investment